You CAN Choose Your Life!

The Power and Effectiveness of Redecision Life Coaching

I have a confession to make.  I worked as an LMFT (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist) for decades, but I always felt that counselling fell short of truly meeting many of my clients’ needs.   I was frustrated with how long it took for traditional weekly therapy/counseling sessions to deliver lasting results.  Often, the breakthroughs the client did experience came after many months of weekly hourly sessions.  At times the abnormal or self-destructive behaviors were removed for a short time, only to reappear later. This lengthy treatment process seemed to be enriching the therapists/counselors at the expense of their clients and insurance companies.
The following are concerns and upsets shared with me by my clients about their experiences with therapy/counseling:
  • The counselor’s approach is just “talk therapy” – talking over and around the problem, versus solving the problem.
  • It feels ineffective and disempowering to have sessions with a therapist for months (or even years) with little results.
  • The fees for working with a therapist can be very expensive, and are often an obstacle to getting help.
  • One client told me that her prior counselor did not have the skills to help her and actually told her: “you have so much to deal with I cannot help you.”
  • Many therapists overly rely on referring their client to an MD or Psychiatrist for medication to supress the client’s symptoms and problems (i.e. anxiety, depression), versus resolving the cause of the problem.
These are just the most common complaints and disappointments with the mental health industry.  Ultimately, I decided to close my therapy practice and transition into coaching instead.  Being very experienced in personal and professional life coaching, I determined that my coaching clients deserve a better and shorter approach to getting  life-changing results – without the emotional roller-coaster and huge investments of time, money, and energy. Therefore, I use an approach I call “Redecision Life Coaching”  which supports breakthroughs and permanent life-changing results in a short period of time.

What does “Redecision” mean? In this context, re-decision here means the change of a decision made years ago by your Inner Child.  Of particular importance are those early childhood decisions that were wrong for you and still are negatively influencing your life. You don’t even know you made these decisions.  Here are some common examples:
  • I am not good enough
  • I am powerless
  • I am worthless
  • I don’t trust anyone
  •  I need to be tough and not show my feelings
  • I cannot stand up for myself
  • I’ll never get what I want
  • I don’t deserve success, love, money, happiness
  • I’ll never love anyone again
  • I’ll always be disappointed
Unfortunately, you may not even know you made these decisions. Here’s some good news! If you originally made the decision, you can now redecide the decision.  An example may be:  “I am stupid and cannot succeed” transformed to “I am intelligent and I do succeed.”

As you were growing up, you had positive and negative experiences and received messages from parents, caretakers, teachers, and society. Based on these experiences and messages, you made decisions about yourself, others, and life that have affected you and influenced your behaviors throughout your life. As a child, these early childhood decisions and  behaviors were necessary to survive; however, as an adult, these behaviors are no longer useful and prevent you from getting what you want in life. Now here’s the kicker: As an adult, a person may even choose friends and partners who replicate their childhood struggles and support their past unhealthy decisions and behaviors.

Let’s now consider how Redecision Life Coaching works and why it is so effective.

Because your core negative decisions which led to unhealthy behaviors were made as a child on an emotional level, they can only be changed on an emotional level by using the technology of Hypnotherapy or Guided Visualization.

Here is a testimonial of a recent client who changed her core decision “I am responsible for taking care of the needs of others at my expense”  to  “I am now only responsible to put my needs first and take care of them” with  the use of Redecision Coaching and Hypnotherapy. She actually was only seen for three sessions.
“I came to Andrea for help navigating my co-dependency related to my adult son who is autistic and lives with me. I was having trouble releasing control and letting him chart his own course. I fear that he will fail and that I am somehow responsible for his outcomes. During our work together, we used Hypnotherapy and also explored the Enneagram theories. I gained useful insights and tools. As a result of our work together, I feel more comfortable saying no and drawing healthy boundaries. I have a great deal of hope that this will help me be supportive, and not controlling as my son gains independence, and hopefully moves out on his own. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that working with Andrea did not require several sessions of "talk therapy" or require me to dwell on the past. We got right to work on my personal goals for our sessions. I would describe Andrea as unconventional and also FABULOUS! I highly recommend her for results-oriented folks who have an idea of what their problem is and don't want to spend hours and multiple sessions re-living the past.”
When you choose to work with me as a Redecision Life Coach, you will experience solution-oriented coaching (and/or Hypnotherapy if you choose) that gets straight to your core issues and resolves them quickly and permanently in a short period of time.
You can take charge of your life!
Let’s get started!


The Power and Effectiveness of Redecision Life Coaching
Techniques for Identifying and Releasing Pent-Up Anger Responsibly
Healthy Solutions for Clearing Mild Depression or a Depressed Mood
How to Find Relief from Anxiety, Panic Attacks, and Stress

Andrea Lambert

 Serving the Sacramento area since 1983 
(916) 432-0465